Vice - A dark and colorful pygments style
My current project is a data sciency project in python which means I’ve been using IPython and Jupyter a lot.
For a while now, my go to and favorite colorscheme/theme for coding is vim-vice. As I was working in this python project, I found out that IPython uses pygments for styling and syntax-highlighting. After looking for a pygments port of vim-vice and not founding one I decided to do the port myself: pygments-vice
Porting from vim
The port itself wasn’t too hard, but required a few steps, mostly because I couldn’t bring myself to do it manually and had to find some tools to make it the “easy way”.
I started using vim2pygments to convert the vim colorscheme to a pygments style. But, unfortunattelly, that script didn’t work with the way vim-vice
was written, using functions and what not, as it expected raw hi
vimscript commands in the colorscheme file. That meant taking a step back and and tweaking vim-vice
to generate the actual hi
commands and save that to a file.
With the vim colorscheme in the right format, I was able to use vim2pygments to convert it and used that as my starting point. Then, it took a few iterations of manually tweaking the styles defitions until I got to a point that I was happy with.
Adding to pygments
After using the style myself for some time, I decided to share it as an official pypi package.
You can install it using pip:
pip install pygments-vice
Using in the Web
After the style was available for pygments I was able to generate the css style for it using pygmentize
pygmentize -S vice -f html -a .highlight > vice_highlight.css
This is the css I’m using for color highlighting here in my blog. Here is an example
import logging
import requests
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ArticleNotFound(RuntimeError):
""" Article query returned no results """
class Client(requests.Session):
""" Mediawiki API client """
def __init__(self, lang="en"):
super(Client, self).__init__()
self.base_url = f'https://{lang}.wikipedia.org/w/api.php'
def fetch_page(self, title, method='GET'):
""" Query for page by title """
params = { 'prop': 'revisions',
'format': 'json',
'action': 'query',
'explaintext': '',
'titles': title,
'rvprop': 'content' }
r = self.request(method, self.base_url, params=params)
pages = r.json()["query"]["pages"]
# use key from first result in 'pages' array
pageid = list(pages.keys())[0]
if pageid == '-1':
raise ArticleNotFound('no matching articles returned')
return pages[pageid]